Regina and Bernard Fuhrmann, and their son Isidor, Czernowitz (Bukovina), 1914
In 1913, a boy named Isidor Fuhrmann was born in Czernowitz. He was the oldest of five siblings and the only one who completed college before the war began. Initially, he started his studies at the Vienna Medical Institute, but due to anti-Semitism in Vienna during the 1930s, he had to transfer to the Medical school at the University of Bologna, Italy. After completing his studies in 1938, he returned to his hometown of Czernowitz, married, and started his medical practice as a dentist in 1939. However, in 1941, the house where Izidor, his wife, and their two-week-old son lived at Ion Creanga 53 (now Petra Sagaydachnogo street) became a part of the Czernowitz Ghetto. Despite the difficult circumstances, Isidor, his wife Erna Fuhrmann (née Litwak), and their son Sigurd survived the war.
The information is recorded from the words of Rita Melamud Kaufmann (March 2024)
Photo: Regina Fuhrmann, Isidor Fuhrmann, Bernard Fuhrmann