Leib Pozharner
Beila Pozharner
Ester Pozharner
Wolf Auerbach
Yakov Auerbach
Leib (son of Benedikt) Pozharner (1880) died in 1941 on the way from the Chernivtsi ghetto to the camp in Bershad. Beila (daughter of Yakov) Pozharner (1885) died in 1944, not living a few weeks before liberation. My son Yakov (son of Wolf) Auerbach (1924), his father, Wolf (son of Mark) Auerbach (1904), and my sister Esther (daughter of Leib) Pozharner (1910) perished in the gas chamber in Kolomyia in 1944.
The information is recorded from the words of Suia Katz
Publication, photos: Вестник свидетельства очевидцев [Bulletin of Eyewitness Testimony], Черновцы: Прут 1992.